60-second interview with Gill Steel TEP

Friday, 16 February 2024
As part of celebrating the winners of last year's STEP Private Client Awards we spoke to Gill Steel TEP, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Awards.

What is your role within your firm?
I am the Director of Law Skills Ltd.

How did it feel to win a STEP Private Client Award (PCA)?
It felt absolutely fantastic and it was such an honour. I was overwhelmed to receive the award.

Why is winning a STEP PCA important to your firm?
It recognises the work we have done in enabling practitioners to develop their knowledge.

What are the main challenges facing your organisation/ practitioners at the moment, and how will you deal with them?
The increasing use of free information and the lack of attention span of practitioners drawn in different directions by the need to deliver on their financial targets while juggling endless communication channels. We will continue to be the voice of reason and common sense in this ever changing world.

What do you like best about your job?
I enjoy the buzz I get from helping people understand complex areas of law.

...and what do you feel is most worthwhile?
The education and development of new practitioners as well as updating senior practitioners is the most worthwhile part of my role.

What would you say to a young person thinking of a career in this industry?
Do it. It is the most fascinating area of law and practice and the world is literally your oyster.

Where do you see future growth, both in terms of sectors and jurisdictions?
Individual wealth owners will always need experience and wisdom in the management of their assets; the vulnerable will always need champions and testators always need advice regarding their succession plans, whichever jurisdiction you are in.

Entries for this year's STEP Private Client Awards are open until 12 April. Find out more about how to enter: https://pca.step.org/2024/entry-kit

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Image of Gill Steel TEP
Gill Steel TEP

Gill Steel TEP is Director of LawSkills Ltd. She is currently a member of an ad hoc group of practitioners which represent STEP on government consultations. She is currently a member of the HMRC Trusts & Estates Agent Advisory Group and the Trust Registration Service sub group working party.