
Advertising on STEP websites, publications and events.

STEP offers members many benefits, including award-winning publications, an array of online and digital resources, and industry-leading events. These member services are highly regarded, with 90 per cent of members stating they are satisfied or highly satisfied with the current offering.

Promotional opportunities

Full Members of STEP are the most experienced and senior practitioners in the field of trusts and estates. They are the buyers and decision-makers, exactly the people that companies with relevant products or services to promote the need to reach.

STEP offers a variety of ways for companies to reach their membership, from publications and online activity to conferences and awards ceremonies. A promotional package that combines several different elements can sometimes be the most effective way of building brand recognition and awareness among the membership.

Please consult our media pack for details of advertising and sponsorship opportunities.


STEP works with a contract publisher to produce publications and to sell sponsorship across a range of products. Wonderly works closely with STEP to develop our products.

For sponsorship and advertising enquiries, both for STEP publications and STEP events, please contact Sylvana Malachias at Wonderly on T: +44 (0) 208 2674463 or email

For editorial queries or to speak to someone in the STEP office, please contact Blathain Winthrop at +44 (0) 20 3752 3753 or email