Central Structure and Governance

STEP’s governance as a whole is the responsibility of STEP’s Board of Directors. The Board is supported in their role by STEP’s Council, a consultative body who advise the Board on aspects of STEP’s strategic journey, as well as on matters of interest to the wider membership.

STEP is a unitary membership body, and while members are allocated to local branches and regions, all are formally members of STEP on a global level, rather than of any constituent part.


The Board is responsible for the high-level strategic direction of STEP. Board members are the Directors of STEP with the legal authority and responsibility for the organisation. Directors are appointed by Council from among the serving Council members under an election process. One Director serves as Chair of STEP and two serve as Deputy Chairs. There are currently Seven Directors in all, together with the Chief Executive ex officio.


Council is elected by members or their representatives from Branches and Chapters globally, with regional representation proportionate to membership numbers. Council members are the primary channels for communication and representation between members and central governance bodies.

Committees and Panels

The Board delegates some of its functions to committees and panels while retaining ultimate responsibility for their activities. There are currently seven committees and three panels answering to the Board.

Useful documents

Governance documentation
STEP Rules
STEP Codes and Policies
Meeting dates